
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Any Day Now!

I went to the doctor yesterday and he said, to my surprise, that Preston could come any day now. He's predicting within a week. He said that he was certain that I wouldn't make it to 39 weeks. I was 3 cm dialated and 75% effaced. Also, Preston is in position to come. We did another sonogram and I will post that picture later. He has little chubby cheeks now...so CUTE!!! We also got a picture of his foot. I just love baby feet!! The doctor said that Preston is a little over or under 7 lbs. at this point. I'm excited but almost a little scared now. Reality is setting in that this could happen at any time. I don't have the 2 weeks I was expecting to have to get everything finalized.
Pray that Preston will come at the RIGHT time. Dustin has a D-Now with the youth this weekend and his mom is a radiology tech and can not get off this weekend. Either Preston needs to come before or after the weekend, so you know that means he'll come right in the middle of the weekend.
If you don't hear from me for awhile, just know I'm probably in the hospital. I will update my blog as soon as I can.

1 comment:

Hannah E. said...

I think that's very fun news! I hope we're on a call list when you go into the hospital =) I'd love to be praying for ya! I'm SO jealous that you're this close to meeting your little punkin!!!